Roatan’s diverse underwater topography presents endless opportunities for great diving on all sides of the island. The diverse underwater landscape provides ample opportunities for wide angle and macro subjects alike from turtles, rays and sharks to schooling tangs to frogfish, seahorses and blennies. But there are a few dives that are very well suited to your wide angle lens. Contact us to let us help you plan the perfect dive and photography you can make sure to hit as many of the highlights as possible during your stay. 


Cara Cara, the famous Shark Dive on Roatan (run by Waihuka/Wild Life on the south side), provides amazing up-close encounters with numerous Caribbean Reef Sharks.

Half Moon Bay Wall is one of the prettiest wall dives on the island with gorgeous formations and incredibly diverse coral growth and marine life.

Cordelia Banks, a protected marine reserve located on the south side of the island, is home to sprawling hard coral gardens that rival the Indo-Pacific. It’s special because it’s the last place in the Caribbean that abundant colonies of Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis) can be found, a reef building species known for its spawning aggregations and fast growth. 

El Aguila Wreck is located on the north side of the island in about 110’ of water. This 230’ foot vessel was sunk in 1997 and was broken into 3 pieces by Hurricane Mitch in 1998, making it even more interesting to explore. This coral encrusted beauty has loads of nooks and crannies to swim through and attracts a great variety of marine life including large groupers and a resident green moray. Even better, it sits very close to a beautiful shallow reef, which is perfect for spending the second half of the dive off-gassing. 

Texas/Pablo’s/West End Wall, otherwise known as “The Point”, is located on the northwest point of the island and is a big highlight of Roatan diving. This is where the currents from the north and south side converge over a long plateau and is home to some of the biggest barrel sponges ever seen. Currents often bring big loads of fish, and occasionally something really exciting such a hammerhead or manta.

Mary’s Place, located on the south side of the island, features a huge vertical crevasse in the reef completely covered in coral, barrel sponges and large gorgonians.